Duke Nukem Multiplayer Modes Shoved In Your Face!

by on March 21, 2011

Duke Nukem’s multiplayer modes have been ousted thanks to the Official Xbox Magazine. The modes include Dukematch, Team Dukematch, Capture the Babe and Hail to the King, all of which are pretty self explanatory and come lined with a healthy dose of Duke humour.

In the process of capturing the other teams babe and returning her to your base when she freaks out? Then why not give her a healthy, but gentle bitch slap (on her backside) to settle her down? It’s scenerios like these that make us think “only in Duke Nukem” and we are sure there is plenty more where that came from.

Each mode gives the player a chance to partake in some 4 on 4 Duke action over 10 maps including the remade Dukeburger map where all players are miniature! Naturally Duke comes with his own XP system to accompany the mayhem (let’s face it, what game doesn’t these days) and a healthy assortment of firearms with which to create the carnage you no doubt desire. The weapons list includes the pistol, shotgun, ripper chaingun, pipebomb, RPG, shrinker, railgun, freezer, devastator and tripbomb. All in all, a recipe for a good time!