Resident Evil 4 Remake | How to get the best gun for free

by on March 24, 2023

There is a gun for every occasion in Resident Evil 4 Remake, so much so that it can be difficult to know which ones are the best. You are given plenty of firepower options to purchase from the Merchant throughout your adventure, but with Pesetas not always free-flowing, you can sometimes wonder which ones are the best to spend your hard-earned cash on.

Well, what if we told you that you could get one of the best guns in Resident Evil 4 Remake for free, without spending anything? Read on to discover this amazing secret.

Which is the best gun in the game?

Arguably the best gun for overall firepower and general utility is the Red9. It’s the most powerful handgun in the game, but it kicks like a mule. Thankfully you can purchase a Stock for it from the Merchant which calms the recoil and makes it an incredibly powerful and usable main firearm for the entirety of Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Resident Evil 4 Remake | How to get the best gun for free

The great news is you can actually get the Red9 before the Merchant sells it to you, giving you more of your adventure to make the most of it. And, more importantly, you can get it for free.

Once you get to Chapter 4 of Resident Evil 4 Remake, you can access the Red9 for free. Make your way through the linear paths and caves, until you come to a jetty with a boat for you to ride on. Now that El Lago is defeated, you can travel across the lake area freely.

The area you want to be looking for is actually in the middle of the lake itself. There is an abandoned boat there. Board it and then make your way around to the front of the boat. Then, in a blue chest is the Red9, free for the taking.

This handgun is the best in the game and should be where you focus your attention for upgrading at the Merchant.

Congratulations, you have acquired the best gun in Resident Evil 4 Remake for free.