Gamescom 2010: inFamous 2 Trailer

by Niraj Shahon August 18, 2010
Feast your eyes on a new inFamous 2 trailer straight from GamesCom 2010. It has all the things you could want: new looks of New Marais, monsters, running pedestrians, and an electrified Cole being in the center of it all (who by the way should look a little more familiar. Check out the trailer below.

New inFamous 2 Cutscene

by Niraj Shahon July 26, 2010
Over the weekend at Comic-Con 2010, the first 2D cutscene from inFamous 2 was revealed. As you may know from the previous title, the comic cutscenes play an important part in the story telling process. As Edward Pun, Senior Artist, says, “It’s time consuming and a lot of hard work [to draw every frame] but, […]

First Look at inFamous 2 Gameplay

by Niraj Shahon July 5, 2010
Check out the below exclusive game play run-through of inFamous 2 which was premiered behind closed doors at E3 this year. As you may have already read, Cole MacGrath makes a dramatic journey to the historic Southern city of New Marais in inFamous 2, in an effort to discover his full super-powered potential. For such [...]

inFAMOUS 2 Announced in the New Game Informer

by Niraj Shahon June 4, 2010
Its official folks. Just week before E3, inFamous 2 has been announced in the latest issue of Game Informer. Cole MacGrath will be returning in the PS3 exclusive. The latest issue of Game Informer has the very first details of the game and how Sucker Punch has improved every aspect of it. You’ll learn about […]