The Tale of ALLTYNEX Part 2: Reflex Review

by Robin Parkeron May 9, 2014
Drop the defensive shields, yo.

Gigantic Army Review

by Robin Parkeron March 4, 2014
It's gigantic, that army

Let’s Play Indie: Ether Vapor Remastered

by Benjamin Maltbieon March 28, 2013
Ether Vapor Remastered is fantastic. While I would like to leave my video intro at that, marketing and SEO techniques suggest I can't so I'll go a step further. Ether Vapor is a title by indie studio Edelweiss that scratches that annoying little itch that fans of shooet-em-up bullet hell style games are prone to, being that we only get about one or two quality titles a year. This one is a touch of something different, and has just the right amount of frenetic craziness to keep you interested throughout.

Croixleur Review

by Benjamin Maltbieon March 8, 2013
Croixleur, developed by souvenir circ., proved to be another example of great indie design among the current wave of excellent Nyu Media titles.