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More Portal 2 Goodies! – Valentine’s Day Trailer

by on February 15, 2011

As if the news earlier tonight about people finally being able to pre-order Portal 2 wasn’t enough, Valve have just dropped yet more sexy Portal 2 awesomeness on us in the form of a new trailer. A Valentine’s Day trailer at that!

Not only does the trailer confirm that Portal 2 is now available for pre-order at just about every store you may buy games at, it also confirms one very, very, important fact, a fact that most people forget about every single day of their lives.

Flowers contain bees. ‘Nuff said.

I’m sure by now you’re feeling guilty about all those chocolates, flowers or diamonds you bought your significant other so why not make up for it by giving them the best gift of all, the gift of comedy, information and Calvin’s Afro that can only come from the GodisaGeek.com Weekly Podcast! You know you want to.

Portal 2 is due to ship the week of April 18th 2011 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC and Mac.