Metroid Prime Remastered was shadow dropped at the February 8th, 2023 Nintendo Direct. Imagine that? So we grabbed it, captured some gameplay and decided “No, let’s not talk over this”, and just let the game speak for itself.
With multiple control methods (and invertible look, thankfully) Metroid Prime Remastered looks like it’s going to capture a whole new audience, and please fans of the original 2002 classic. I was a little worried at first, as I couldn’t find the option to invert controls for the look stick, and it wouldn’t be unheard of for a remaster to do that, but it is in there.
If you want, you can use a hybrid method, or use motion controls, while the original GameCube controls are also an option. Visually, as you can see from the video above, it looks pretty good for a “remaster”. I’m early days into the game but the Metroid Prime Remastered fire effects looked particularly impressive based on the opening, alone.
While it wasn’t the Metroid Prime 4 news that fans would have perhaps preferred, this finally puts to bed the fact that Metroid Prime Remastered did exist and was ready to go all along. Prime 4 might be a bit further off, however, as the development was restarted as Nintendo announced Retro Studios was developing it back in January 2019. Given the length of development for triple-A games these days, it’s not really a shock that it hasn’t been shown again since.
The latest game in the Metroid series is Metroid Dread, which we scored 9/10 saying “Metroid Dread is nearly the perfect return for Samus, and only some difficulty spikes rain on the parade. This is a tight, responsive 2D Metroid experience that constantly impresses and surprises in equal measure and is the perfect way to launch the new Switch model”.
Metroid Prime Remastered is out now, priced £34.99 for Nintendo Switch.