Sponsored: Microsoft HoloLens: The Next Big Step of Online Casino’s?


Virtual reality headsets such as the Sony’s Project Morpheus and Oculus Rift has gained a lot of attention from the media lately as they are considered the future of online gaming. We have tried to get some more insight on the Microsoft HoloLens that was announced by the computer technology giant recently during the “Windows 10: The Next Chapter” event. You may be wondering what is Microsoft HoloLens. It is actually the next big step of more personal computing where you will be able to interact naturally with technology just as you would with other people by using simple gestures, voice and by sight.  Microsoft HoloLens is the first unrestricted, see through holographic computer that enables high definition holograms to come to life in your everyday environment, where it seamlessly integrate with your physical things, spaces, and places.

Once this technology reaches the commercial market, it may most probably be picked up by mobile slots site such as Magical Vegas, and calibrated to provide the next best form of immersive and realistic online gaming entertainment. Just imagine being at home and having your very own 3-D casino roulette wheel placed on top of your table along with its betting area, and you having the chance to place your bet with either gestures or by giving oral commands. Or think of being able to discover each and every slot games found at your favourite casino in every corner of your house whenever you want, and play with them by pulling the lever of those machines. This is what you may expect to find at Magical Vegas in the near future.

This virtual reality technology can be considered as a mixed reality experience where our real world will unlock new ways to communicate, work, create and play.  Minecraft is expected to be the first game to work with Microsoft HoloLens when this holographic technology is released along with Windows 10 by 2016. This will allow players to explore the game world of Minecraft in full 3-D. At the E3 gaming event in Los Angeles, Microsoft has used a table top to simulate the environment of Minecraft and this gave the whole world a preview of the next generation of 3-D personal computing.

Windows 10 is currently the only platform to support holographic computing with API’s that enable environmental understanding, voice, gesture, and gaze. The Microsoft HoloLens will come with 3 processors which are the CPU, GPU, and HPU. In real-time, the Holographic Processing Unit can handle data from sensors to spatially map the environment around you, while knowing where you are looking and recognising your gestures. Microsoft HoloLens is focused on a wide array of uses and functionalities. Just like the introduction of computers and internet changed the way we do things, it seems that this holographic technology will also change our lifestyle.

It won’t be long before you could be moving freely and interact with holograms, thanks to the components that make up the Microsoft HoloLens, such as the headband which has been designed for comfort and that has more computing power than the average laptop.