Diggs Nightcrawler Comes to Wonderbook This Summer

by on March 4, 2013

Diggs-Nightcrawler-Comes-to-Wonderbook-This-SummerWonderbook’s arrival on to the scene was met with laughter and jeering from the snotty-nosed folk at E3. The unveiling of the AR peripheral at said event was probably misguided, but people were certainly talking about Sony’s virtual reality book-thing.

However, after the release of JK Rowling’s Book of Spells, children have been patiently waiting for something else to play/read/whatever you do with it. Today, via PlayStation Blog, it has been announced that Diggs Nightcrawler – the Columbo looking worm…Google Columbo if you don’t know who he is – will be available, this May.

Throughout the game, Diggs apparently has to deal with three incompetent coppers in Library City that go by the name of The Three Little Pigs. Rockstar wouldn’t even go that far with their names for officers of the law.

You can check out a trailer for the game, below.

Diggs Nightcrawler will be released in May for PlayStation 3