Mo-capping inFamous: Second Son With Sucker Punch

by on June 5, 2013

The third game in the inFamous series is all set for the launch of Sony’s upcoming hardware launch. A brand new video has been released in which developer Sucker Punch talk about Delsin Rowe – inFamous: Second Son’s lead character.

This dev diary shows how the team give emotion to the new protagonist. Technical director Spencer Alexander speaks of the expectation with next gen:

“I think a lot of that isn’t just about better graphics, better lighting, smoother rendering, but the facial capture and the performances that are coming through, just this fuller cinematic experience.”

Troy Baker (BioShock Infinite, The Last of Us) plays the role of Rowe and this video is an insight in to how the Second Son team use his mannerisms and performance to give life to the new superhero.