For Your Amusement: Post Master

by on February 28, 2014

Colm Plays was a video series in which, I played a video game for a considerable amount of time, chopped up the video into something easily digestible for the lovely YouTube audience and then shared it with the entire world, every Friday.

For Your Amusement is basically the exact same thing, just with a different name. To be fair, it IS the exact same thing. But now, we have a swanky new intro.

Be sure to subscribe to the GodisaGeek YouTube channel so you never miss a future edition of For Your Amusement!

For the reboot, we’re starting with a game called Post Master. It’s out next week, but I’m sure you already knew that. Titanfall, Dark Souls II, South Park, Infamous will all be left trailing behind Post Master in terms of sales, I’m sure.

Tune in next week for another edition of Colm Plays, where I play things and you hopefully enjoy it!