Diablo 3’s Auction House Blunder: How it Helped Players Earn Money

by on February 28, 2020

Who would have thought that we’d live to witness a time where earning money through playing online casino such as Gclub or RPG games is possible? 

In July 2011, Blizzard North, the creators of the Diablo III video game, introduced the game’s very own auction house (AH). The Auction House’s main objective was to oversee and facilitate the sale and trade of valuable items in the game among its players.

Before the launch of Diablo III’s AH, players frequented third-party marketplaces to obtain items. In a third-party marketplace setting, gamers are provided with a link that grants them access to a full list of the products that a company or supplier offers. According to Blizzard, there are security risks in third-marketplaces that could cost a player’s valuable and hard-earned items. 

The devil’s Auction House: How Did It Work?

With the operative word being ‘auction,’ players were welcome to choose items from their inventory and put it up for other players to bid on. They could likewise trade items for loot needed in upgrading their characters, and they had the option to use the gold-based AH or RMT-based (real money transactions) AH.

Players were required to link their accounts on Battle.net to a payment system authorized by Blizzard to participate in an RMT-based auction.

Transaction fees in RMT-based and gold-based AH varied depending on the type of item auctioned. Once a player successfully purchased an item, they had the freedom to do whatever they wanted with the acquired equipment or material. They could even resell or rebid items purchased in the auction house at whatever price they liked.

Diablo 3 AH: Mimicking the Downfall of Unregulated Online Casinos

There was a dramatic shift in the dynamics of the game after the game’s AH was introduced. Some players claimed to have earned a significant amount of money through the game’s RMT-based AH. However, the increase in RMT auctions diminished the time spent by players actually playing the game.

As a result, Diablo 3’s auction house has since closed. Albeit created with the best of intentions, the AH simply got out-of-hand. There was little control over the money-based auction houses. 

Players soon began to focus on trading and passively earning money. In the same manner, poorly regulated online casino games and apps provide players with effortless means to gain money. These options range from credit hustling to counting blackjack cards to using free spins and no deposit casinos. 

Instead of focusing on building characters in Diablo 3 or trying out all the available games in online gambling, players opt for the easy-way-out. This type of inactive participation is said to have killed the very essence of online gaming. More players join for the money, and not for the enjoyment itself.

Earning through online games and online casino sites is slowly dominating the market. While there is essentially nothing wrong with passive income, many would still argue that nothing beats experience in online games.