Can Trade Be More Sustainable?

by on May 28, 2022

Organizations can play a crucial role in mitigating climate change. By ensuring that their trade rules align with climate change goals, they can contribute to a pollution-free environment. To ensure we can play ice casino bonus and do more exciting things in the future, organizations should make their supply chains more sustainable. By altering their operational threats, companies can prevent the destruction of over a million plants and animal species. 

Industries that produce plastic, chemicals, and other kinds of waste contribute to climate change to a higher degree. If they want to make trade more sustainable, they should review their contributions to global warming and make changes. Fortunately, civil society, governments, and companies have noticed the need to set policies that support sustainable trade. And do they have a better choice? The level of global warming now is alarming. 

All entities that cause climate change must act now to preserve the future of the next generations. Making better trade strategies should be their focal point if they want to solve environmental pollution. Although the World Trade Organization has not committed to a resilient environmental conservation agenda, the business community has shown its dedication. Without a doubt, tackling climate change is complex and calls for more than the reduction of waste. 

Regardless, industries and organizations that produce tons of waste should find a way to reduce it or dispose of it more responsibly. If the world’s businesses join hands to reduce their carbon footprint by creating more sustainable supply chains, they can play a role in the eradication of climate change. In one year, the world produces over three hundred million tons of plastic. But where does single-use plastics waste end up? Around fourteen million tons of plastics end up in the ocean and other water sources every year. 

Companies that produce plastics, governments, and the consumer are to blame for the poor management of plastic waste. Moreover, tons of pharmaceuticals are polluting the rivers everywhere on earth. Again, hospitals and drug producers need to re-evaluate their waste management and disposal systems. As we speak; major international businesses have made ambitious goals to combat climate change. 

One of these goals is a promise to minimize carbon dioxide emissions into the air. They aim to stop nature degradation by 2030 according to the World Economic Forum Nature Action Agenda. The New Plastics Economy by Ellen MacArthur is a good initiative that has attracted many brands. Together, partners of the foundation will evaluate and recreate the future of plastics. They aim to create an economy that will ensure better plastic disposal methods. 

The EU’s method of combating climate change and its threats is the Green Deal. Also, it contains a pledge to create a more circular economy with less biodegradable waste. The EU might as well create a legislative agenda to ask companies to review how their global supply chains contribute to environmental pollution. Other continents are also rising against climate change and the human activities that cause it. For instance, the UK government has suggested a law that will stop goods associated with illegal deforestation from entering its borders. 

The next thing that governments and WTO should do is to set trade rules that go well with the sustainable and circular economy. For instance, they should eliminate the overfishing rule because it ruins marine ecosystems. They should also aim to build circular economies by eliminating tariffs on more green goods like renewable energy, plastic waste disposal, recycling of garbage, etc.