Creators of Graphic Novel Kickstarter Project Elysia Are Eager to Work with a Developer on Video Game Adaptation

by on March 25, 2013

Creators-of-Graphic-Novel-Kickstarter-Project-Elysia-Are-Eager-to-Work-with-a-Developer-on-Video-Game-AdaptationYou may have first found out about Kickstarter because of the various game projects that were funded over the past 18 months, but the one we’re bringing you today isn’t a video game…yet.

Elysia is a sci-fi graphic novel set upon a fictional world where humans and guardian angels live among one another.The titular character is a young girl that is beginning to grow her wings and become one of the angels.

There are tiered rewards for backing this project – as is the norm with all Kickstarters – that has been created by Serena Obhrai and illustrated by Jennie Gyllblad. However, there is a reason why we here at GodisaGeek are informing you about Elysia.

We have been told that the graphic novel has an illustrious future ahead of it that included an animated series, and a video game. Now, as far as we know the Elysia video game is just something that Obhrai and Gyllblad are keen to do and are in search of a developer to bring this concept to gamers.

You can head over to their Kickstarter page now to watch their pitch video and donate if you so wish. The story certainly sounds like it would fit in the video game spectrum, but what do you think? Let us know in the comments section, below.