WeareData Website Shows that Watch Dogs Fiction is Becoming a Reality

by on June 27, 2013

Ubisoft has announced WeareData – a website which will compile publicly available data from the cities (and people within those cities) of London, Paris and Berlin.

Watch Dogs is based around the concept of a Chicago that is run by a system known as CTOS – which links all of the traffic lights, transportation and power into a central hub. A scary thought, but one that Ubisoft has decided to show is not far from the truth.

Through the WeareData website, you can see Instagram photos, Tweets, traffic light layouts and much more, of the aforementioned cities. In real-time, you can see the 3D map change before your eyes as the inhabitants go about their daily lives.

Normally, a lot of these promotional sites are absolute tat with no redeeming qualities. However, head on over to WeareData and be mesmerised at what you’re seeing. Maybe, our 21st century lives are too open, huh?

The ultra promising Watch Dogs is scheduled to be released on November 22 in Europe and November 19 in the States. The game will be available on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Wii U.