The Importance of Bankroll Management While Gambling Online

by on October 26, 2021

Playing poker well is one thing, knowing how to manage your capital is another. Good management, called by insiders “bankroll management”, will save you from going through the bankruptcy box.

The Limit Where to Play According to Your Bankroll

The limit at which you are going to play is at your convenience. However, it is recommended to opt for a table that matches your bankroll, for example by taking inspiration from this table:


Blinds Number of cellars needed Minimum bankroll
NL2 0.01 $ / 0.02 $ 20

40 $

NL5 0.02 $ / 0.05 $ 20

$ 100


0.05 $ / 0.10 $ 20

$ 200


0.10 $ / 0.25 $ 20

$ 500


0.25 $ / 0.50 $ 25

$ 1250

NL100 0.50 $ / 1 $ 30

3000 $

NL200 $ 1 / $ 2 40

$ 8,000


These numbers are not gospel words, but you can trust them. They often seem outrageous at first, but sticking to them will help improve your gambling experience. Indeed, one of the main causes of bad play is to be “scared of money ” – playing and being afraid of losing what you have deposited while sitting down at the table. By sticking to the minimums listed, you are likely to play more relaxed, and therefore more efficient. Reach for this site to find out more about poker and other table games.

Author’s Experience

My bankroll is $600, I play at a NL25 table, and scrupulously following what the table advises me. My cellar is therefore $ 25. Even if I have a series of bad shots and I lose four caves (which is a common downswing), I still have $ 500, which is enough to play in NL25.

On the other hand, if with this $ 600 bankroll I had sat down at an NL50 table and had played with the same cards against opponents of the same level and had suffered the same bad blows, he would not I would only have left $ 400 in bankroll, and playing $ 50 at a table with that $ 400 would inevitably have affected my play.

The Minimum Number of Cellars Increases with the Limit

As you have noticed, the higher the limit, the higher the minimum recommended number of cellars.

From a purely pecuniary point of view, that doesn’t really make sense. It has more to do with the level of play.

Indeed, the higher the limit, the higher the average level of the players. This is why the edge (the positive difference between your level of play is that of your opponents) that you can have on others decreases (for example, you will have a harder time getting paid when you have a big game).

Your win-rate (rate of winnings per hand played) is therefore more greatly influenced by the variance (over which it is almost impossible to control). Hence a stricter “protection” of your bankroll.

What If My Bankroll Gets Too Low?

You have to step down.

Returning to the example of a bankroll of $ 700, if you play NL25 and lose six cellars (which may be the case simply by bad luck, or because you are not playing to the best of your ability, or your opponents were much stronger than you), your bankroll will only be $ 500. You should then play in NL10, until you raise your bankroll to $ 600.

It is very difficult, especially for a matter of ego (“I am strong enough to be a winner in NL25, I don’t want to stoop to playing in NL10”), to go down. However, this is the only right way to act when your bankroll is dwindling. You will be able to regain confidence, win back money, and then go back to NL25 with complete peace of mind.

How Does the Limit Raise Work?

The rise in limit occurs at the same time as the increase in the bankroll, but not all at once.

Say you have $ 1,000 in bankroll. You play in NL25, you get to $ 1,500 and, according to the advice provided on this page, you then sit in NL50. However, this is not taken for granted. You will meet unknown players, on average stronger than those you faced in NL25, and you will have to adapt and improve your positive gambling experience to stay a winner. It’s a safe bet that you will end up taking a setback, sooner or later, and that your bankroll will suffer. More about poker and casinos where you can play for real money here (https://slotogate.com/casino/real-money/).

But you will then conscientiously go down to NL25 in order to replenish your finances, and try again a shot in NL50 when your bankroll allows you again. This shot will logically last longer than the last one, but then again you will probably have to go back down to NL25 because you won’t “beat” the NL50 yet.

This system yo-yo will last more or less time (read “for a larger or smaller number of hands”) until you have the level to settle permanently NL50, but it is inevitable.

If I Deposit a Lot of Money, Can I Go and Sit in High Limits?

It is to be avoided.

Granted, you have the bankroll you need, but you certainly don’t have the level of play required. You will get knocked out time and time again by the regs (regular players) of the NL100, who know it inside out, and lose a large chunk of your bankroll.

It is therefore advisable to start with the lowest limits, even if you feel like you are playing a ridiculous amount at the table. You will be able to sharpen your weapons, learn again and again, and climb the limit with confidence. Even the greatest players started out like this before gradually climbing up high-stakes tables.

And then, better to deposit $ 50 and lose them (it’s never more than the price of a good night out with friends), than to deposit $ 500 and lose them at an upper limit (that’s the price of a romantic weekend).

What if I Can’t Increase the Limit?

You have fluctuated for weeks, if not months, between $ 800 and $ 1300 in bankroll. You play in NL25 and you can’t win more … What to do?

Improve your game. How? Analyze your game after the fact, read technical articles on the internet (e.g., on the Club Poker forum, at random) and make each of your decisions at the table after reflection.

Final Thoughts

Finally, and perhaps most important and most effective, post hands that you have had trouble with on the forum (without the hand result, which doesn’t matter), in the Strategy section. Pick one or two hands per game session and submit them to the others. They will meet your expectations by dissecting your way of playing, pointing out your mistakes and, with these explanations, you will gradually improve.