Leveling Up Your Game: Applying Poker Strategies in Real-Time Strategy Games

by on July 10, 2023

Video games, just like traditional card games, require a blend of strategy, critical thinking, and swift decision-making. For those well versed in the world of poker, you might be surprised to find that many of the strategic elements employed in poker can prove beneficial when incorporated into real-time strategy (RTS) games. The ever-popular poker, with its rich depth of tactical elements, such as the ranking of poker hands, bluffing, and strategic planning, has much to offer to the RTS gamer. This piece will delve into the intriguing crossover of poker strategies into the RTS gaming domain.

Understanding Poker Strategies

To fully appreciate the crossover from poker to RTS games, we first need to outline some of the fundamental poker strategies. At its core, poker is a game of incomplete information where players must make educated guesses about their opponents’ hands. This mirrors the fog of war found in many RTS games, where players must make informed decisions based on limited information about their opponent’s base, unit composition, and strategy.

To be able to succeed in poker and utilise different strategies, players must understand the ins and outs of the game. One of the most critical aspects of poker is understanding hand rankings to be able to use strategy. Just like understanding unit strengths and weaknesses in an RTS game, understanding poker hand rankings is fundamental, with hands ranging from high cards, the lowest rank, through to a royal flush, the highest. Although, the hand rankings will vary depending on the version of poker. For example, popular titles like Omaha and Hold’em use the traditional rankings just described while versions like Razz and Stud Hi/Lo use the Ace to Five for low hands.

Comprehending these rankings and their relative strengths allows poker players to assess the likelihood of their hand winning against potential hands their opponents could hold.

The Art of Bluffing and Deception in RTS

Bluffing is another core poker strategy that has fascinating implications when applied to RTS games. In poker, a player may bluff by betting heavily on a weak hand to suggest they have a stronger hand, thus intimidating opponents into folding. Similarly, in RTS games, players can bluff by showing a small force of units to the opponent, implying a bigger army or a different strategic direction. This strategy can bait an opponent into overcommitting defences in one area, allowing the RTS player to strike where the opponent is weakest.

For instance, in a game like Starcraft II, a player might show Zerglings (a relatively weak unit) early on, bluffing a ‘Zerg rush’ tactic. This could cause the opponent to overcommit resources to early defence, allowing the Zerg player to instead tech up to stronger units quickly, gaining an advantage.

Strategic Planning: Long-Term Goals and Quick Decisions

Finally, strategic planning is a core aspect of both poker and RTS games. In poker, a player must balance the potential short-term gains of winning the current hand against their long-term goal of winning the game. They must make quick decisions about whether to bet, fold, or bluff based on the strength of their hand (in terms of poker hand rankings) and their read on other players.

This strategic planning and decision-making process is also critical in RTS games. Players need to make rapid decisions about resource allocation, unit production, and when to defend or attack. Long-term strategies might include deciding to focus on economic growth for late-game dominance or choosing a rush strategy for a quick victory.

An example from the RTS game Age of Empires IV would be a player deciding to rush to the Feudal Age to put early pressure on their opponent. While this could lead to a quick victory if the opponent successfully defends the rush, the rushing player may find themselves economically behind and at a disadvantage for the rest of the game.

In summary, the strategic depth found in poker, from understanding hand rankings to mastering the art of bluffing and long-term planning, has surprising and fascinating parallels in RTS video games. By taking these poker strategies and adapting them to the digital battlefield, players might find new ways to outwit their opponents and level up their game. Gaming, just like poker, is not solely about the cards you’re dealt, but how you play them. So, next time you’re in the heat of an RTS battle, remember the poker table, and may the odds ever be in your favour.