Chessarama video shows game modes on offer in the chess-puzzler

by on October 11, 2023

Minimol Games have published a new developer walkthrough video for Chessarama, showing off various modes in the chess-based puzzle game.

In the video, you get to see Farm Life, where you “play as a chess Knight who must cultivate the tiles of their garden to grow crops”, as well as Soccer Chess, “where you must position your pieces in pursuit of kicking the ball into the goal”, and also Dragon Slayer, where “players must move a pawn to the end of the board where it can slay a mighty dragon, though the dragon attacks the board after every turn, obliterating any unprotected piece”. The main focus of the video, it seems, is “Lady Ronin”, though, which is best left described visually.

So check out the new developer diary featuring game designer Luis Júnior and game, and UX designer Ana Carolina showing off the game modes, below. We’ve also dropped the official word on the game, and the key features underneath, in case you are curious about what else is part of the game.


Chessarama is a smorgasbord of chess-inspired single-player games that use chess pieces and their established move sets, then reimagines their goals and themes. Choose a game, quickly learn its rules and play through the campaign, unlock collectibles, and compete against each other on the leaderboards. Endless replayability awaits you. Welcome to Chessarama!

Here’s a list of features for the game:

  • Play all original and exclusive chess-inspired games available in Chessarama
  • Learn and practice many chess skills: strategic thinking, tactics, visualization, grid geometry and much more
  • Unique art style comprised of beautiful dioramas
  • High replay value with online leaderboards
  • Learn chess movements, tactics and strategies through a modern video game experience
  • Also includes “Classic Chess” for oldschool purists

“We’re proud of the work we did in giving each game in Chessarama a unique personality,” said Raphael Dias, CEO and Game Director at Minimol Games. “With Chessarama we wanted to create a game that appeals to both fans of chess, as well as people who haven’t even played chess before. Chessarama‘s variations make you rewire your brain in a way that flexes your spatial puzzle-solving skills in a way we think is appealing to all sorts of puzzle fans.”

Chessarama is coming to PC and Xbox in “Fall”.