Timberborn gets ‘Badwater,’ its fifth content update

by on January 18, 2024

Today, Mecanistry’s city-builder Timberborn has received its fifth major content update called Badwater, featuring new ecological hazards and more. Along with the new update, all maps have been reworked to use new mechanics, over 25 new buildings have been introduced, and in-game seasons are here to deepen gameplay.

Humans are long gone. Will your lumberpunk beavers do any better? A city-building game featuring ingenious animals, vertical architecture, river control, and deadly droughts. Contains high amounts of wood.

“Adding Badwater deepens gameplay and answers recurring requests for more in-game seasons. With two different fluids competing for space, players must be far more creative with water physics and irrigation to avoid contamination,” added Mechanistry Communications Manager Michal Amielanczyk.

The new mechanic known as Badwater is polluted fluid that has been left over from human civilisation, and will cause harm to player’s beaver population if not managed correctly. It can kill crops and make beavers poorly, so fighting off the contamination makes up a big part of the update. A new in-game season called Badtide enters the rotation of Droughts and Wet Seasons, and there are also new faction-specific tools and buildings aimed at tackling the Badwater contamination, such as the hydroengineering tools, contamination barriers, and decontamination pods.

Here’s a brief overview of the Badwater update for Timberborn below:

  • Badwater Sources and Badtide seasons pollute waterways, contaminate beavers, and kill crops, creating a new gameplay loop and challenges for even the most-experienced player.

  • New faction-specific Buildings to deal with contamination challenges and exploit badwater; water filtration barriers and seals join existing hydro engineering tools, while new production chains allow for curing beavers and powering up bots.

  • Terraforming the landscape is no longer exclusive to bots, however, bots are now immune to Badwater contamination, making them more versatile workers. New types of dynamite allow for faster terra-forming the maps.

  • New faction-specific Decorations and Attractions, from lanterns and hammocks to exercise plazas and beaver-compatible wind tunnels.

  • Many Quality of Life additions, including custom keybinds, allowing players to flip asymmetrical buildings, and thumbnails for saves and custom maps.

There’s also a new trailer released to highlight the features coming to Timberborn as part of Badwater which you can watch below: