Yaza Games and Daedalic Entertainment have today announced their turn-based strategy game Inkulinati launches on February 22 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Along with the release date announcement, a brand new trailer has dropped which shows off “how beautiful, silly, and sometimes short life can be on pages of medieval manuscripts.”
The development of Inkulinati began 700 years ago when bored monks started scribbling silly creatures from tales and everyday life on the margins of manuscript pages, an old form of art that went almost extinct with the invention of industrial book printing (damn you, Gutenberg!) Luckily, Yaza Games picked up where medieval folks left and brought this ancient art to the modern world! Behold! Below, the inspiration for the Donkey Bard. Despite having no fingers, he inspires and delights.
Inkulinati features strategically complex battles inspired by real-life doodles on medieval manuscripts, where armies feature over more than 50 units with special abilities to discover. Fancy playing as a bishop cat, a sword-wielding rabbit, or a bard donkey? Of course you do, and you can play as them in Yaza Games’ latest. Some of the challenges you’ll face during Journey mode, a single-player-focused experience, include defeating all your opponents, getting rid of the enemy leader from the manuscript page, and surviving apocalyptic events.
It’s been over a year since we reviewed it in early access, and we said, “Inkulinati is an incredibly ambitious take on the tactics genre, with enough content even in its early access form to keep you playing for months. It could certainly do with some better onboarding, but once you’re on board you’ll never want to get off.”
You can watch the new trailer right here: