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L.A. Noire Blooper Reel Will Make You Laugh and Feel Weird

by on February 4, 2013

LA-Noire-Blooper-ReelThe face-mapping tech used in Rockstar Games published L.A. Noire was like nothing we’d seen before it. The detail was incredible as it was one of the first times that gamers played a game and recognised the actors by their appearance, rather than their voice.

The company behind the revolutionary technology Depth Analysis, recently released a blooper reel of the game (which we saw on CVG) that shows the in-game models messing up their lines and uncontrollably laughing.

You can watch Cole Phelps sneeze…you can actually see the character sneezing! Words can’t describe how mesmerising this particular blooper reel is.

Check out the weirdly unsettling and giggle inducing video, below.

L.A. Noire is available now for Windows PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3