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You Can Pre-order The Last Guardian in Portugal, Apparently

by on June 4, 2013

The latest in a long-line of Last Guardian straw clutching has been spotted at a Portuguese retailer. Although, there may be some weight to this.

A NeoGAF user posted images of a pre-order box for the long time coming PlayStation 3 title – The Last Guardian. This same retailer also leaked certain things such as Rayman Legends on Vita and The Last of Us‘ delay.

Originally revealed at E3 2009, the development hell this game has gone through has been well documented. At every turn, this game becomes less of a reality, but maybe the PS3 is set to go out with a bang. The game has also turned up on E3 Insider (the expo’s official news blog), but Sony has stated that the listing is only speculation.

It will be like Duke Nukem Forever…actually…please don’t be like Duke Nukem Forever.