The Gap launches on October 19th

by on August 23, 2023

Fans of solving mysteries and dimension hopping have a lot to be excited about, as The Gap launches on Xbox, PlayStation and Steam on October 19th. With his wife suffering from an incurable disease, protagonist Joshua Hayes starts looking into a whole bunch of wild ways to overcome the odds and get the love of his life back to the way she was. With a bit of help from his unreliable friend, he ends up filling himself with nano machines and working on a cure.

“The Gap is a psychological thriller that seamlessly weaves together the realms of memories, emotions, and corporate intrigue. The game revolves around Joshua Hayes, a dedicated neuroscientist, whose life takes a sudden turn when his family becomes afflicted by a rare genetic disorder. As memories fade and sanity slips away, Joshua is faced with an unimaginable challenge: finding a cure before his family’s essence is forever lost.”

I was really impressed with what I saw when I got to preview The Gap last month, and I’m excited to really get stuck into its intriguing story and dense dimensional puzzles in a couple of months. Make sure you’ve got a notepad and pen ready, because if you’re anything like me you’ll need them. In my preview I said “If The Gap sounds like your sort of game and you happen to be going to Gamescom this year, then you’ll be able to try it yourself. The game will also feature in the Future Games Show there, so if this preview has left you interested in finding out more then there’s something else for you to check out.

The Gap is looking to tackle some serious subject matter in a very creative way, and I hope that developer Label This are able to pull it off. The sci-fi elements and puzzle gameplay really appeal to me too, and as long as you don’t mind taking notes as you play you’ll probably enjoy it as much as I did.”