Outcast – A New Beginning gets a new combat focussed trailer

by on November 16, 2023

THQ Nordic has revealed a combat trailer for Outcast – A New Beginning, showing off the modular gun with 30 different weapon behaviours.

The new video shows off the “dynamic and strategic elements that await you in this immersive gaming experience”, says the publisher. It seems the weapons in Outcast – A New Beginning can be modified on the go, and THQ says there are 30 different weapon modules that changes the behaviour of your gun, each of which can be combined to make for a different combat style.

Let’s get into the new video, below, then we’ll pop the official word from the press release there for you to read, too.


Weapon upgrades, aliens and monsters (who can also be predators) – you will find all of this in Appeal Studio’s and THQ Nordic’s upcoming open world action-adventure Outcast – A New Beginning! Play as Cutter Slade, ex-Navy SEAL, and gain the trust of the local Talans. Engage in guerilla warfare such as destroying enemy ammo convoys to weaken bases and freely choosing where to launch the next attack, shaping the success of the Talan uprising.

The stakes are high, though, Cutter Slade brings dry humour to the forefront, adding a touch of wit to the intense storyline. Rediscover the awe-inspiring game world reminiscent of the beloved Outcast 1, while offering something totally fresh and accessible for newcomers. Every corner is brimming with wonders and surprises!

Here’s the key features of the third-person combat:

  • Modular Gun: Throughout the game, you’ll find more than 30 different weapon modules that change the behaviour of your gun. Combine modules to try different combat styles! With 24 different modules (8 are doubled) and up to 6 weapon slots, the number of combinations is massive. Spoiler: it’s over 9000! If we consider all possible options, we’re talking 906.192 combinations – feel free to do the math.
  • Shield: Use your shield to defend yourself – or to attack! It works both as an offensive and defensive weapon.
  • Jetpack: Your jetpack allows you to travel quickly but also aids in combat. Upgrade it as you progress through the game!
  • Talan Powers: You’ll acquire helpful abilities by finishing a village quest – like anti-gravity powers or flying creatures dropping bombs on enemies. Those powers are a part of the natural ecosystem of Adelpha. But keep in mind: The better the job you did in helping those villages, the stronger your powers will be.

Outcast – A New Beginning is coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series S|X.