EA Attack Rage Quitters for FIFA 11

by on February 9, 2010

Seems the guys at EA Canada have realised it too, rage quitting is a crime on gaming and should be punished and so have decided to try and find a solution for the problem in the next itteration of the title (minus any World Cup spin-off that is bound to appear).  2010 FIFA World Cup line producer Simon Humber told Eurogamer that EA Canada was toying with the idea of punishing those who quit when they realise they stand no chance of winning (damn straight!).

“It’s a complex problem. We do have the five-minute rule: if you find your connection’s poor you can drop out within the first five minutes. After that there should be a penalty; just in the online world there are complexities that mean by the time the data comes back to our servers, something there means it doesn’t award the win to the right person. So we’re always looking to improve that.”

Thats what we like to hear exterminate the vermine that goes by the name of “rage quitter” we have faith in you EA. Yes, I’m passionate about my FIFA. Too much?!