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Mortal Kombat Set For A Komeback?!

by on June 8, 2010

It would fair to say that since its release back in February 2009, Street Fighter IV has single handedly made fighting games popular again. It brought the genre back from a long exile and placed it at the forefront of gaming, just like the good old days. Could another classic fighting game be set to make a komeback (hint hint) into the gaming world?!

The classic in question is, of course, Mortal Kombat and if a recent (very well produced) video is anything to go by then the answer could be “yes”. Nothing is official yet and it might not even turn out to be a game, it could be a movie. No need to sigh, we know you all secretly enjoyed the old Mortal Kombat movies!

Is it a teaser trailer for a upcoming movie or is it a viral video for an upcoming game? Check out the video below and let us know what you think. Most importantly though, don’t forget to……TEST YOUR MIGHT!