First Look – TERA

by on April 24, 2012

A lot of you will have played an MMORPG at one time or another, whether it was EverQuest back in the day, World of Warcraft or even Star Wars: The Old Republic more recently, you’ll more than likely have at least dabbled in the genre. TERA is an MMO that’s shaking things up a little bit with a combat system that the developer, Bluehole Studios, is calling a “non-target battle system”.

In this first look we take a look at the second area that players will visit, almost immediately after they’ve been through the starting area (Island of Dawn). We follow Martin’s character Cyber.Grim as he completes some quests, beats up some NPCs and showcases the game’s innovative combat system. Naturally, with TERA being an MMO, we couldn’t possibly fit everything that the game is into a single video, but hopefully you’ll get a good idea about what the game is; as well as what it could be.

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TERA is due to be released for Windows PC on the 1st May, 2012 in the US and a few days later, on the 3rd May, 2012, in Europe. Players who pre-order the game will be able to get a head start on people that buy the game on release and start getting involved in TERA’s world from the 28th April, 2012.