Wanted: Dead August guide | How to defeat the second boss

by on February 14, 2023

The Wanted: Dead August boss fight might have you tearing your hair out, so with our guide you can beat him and swear at your tv in victory. While the Spider Tank boss you fought previously was tough, August is an Android who just constantly rushes at you and is somehow even more aggressive than an actual tank.

Like the previous boss, he has two phases, but thankfully the second is actually slightly easier, if you play the right way. With our guide, you’ll be conquering the Wanted: Dead August boss fight, and feeling like a proper badass for doing so.

Wanted: Dead August boss guide: Phase One

Wanted: Dead August boss guide: Phase One

We could almost call this a pre-boss phase, as you don’t actually face off against August himself. He will pepper the battlefield with grenades that will damage you, but are mostly annoying. The idea here is to thin out the herd of androids to make him come out to play. If you have the grenade launcher you can pick up earlier in the level, it’s a great place to use it to take out multiple enemies at once. Otherwise, use your grenades (including the incendiary ones if you’ve grabbed that upgrade) to take out groups of the enemies at once. After you’ve done this for a bit, August will come out. The running flying kick skill here is also your friend, use it a lot.

Phase one (proper): The Onslaught

Arguably the harder of the two phases, August will chase you non-stop, and fire his weapon at you. If you get caught in this, and there are other grunt-androids around, it’ll properly wreck your health. You need to try to avoid using your guns on him so you can conserve ammo for the last phase, which makes it easier.

Phase one (proper): The Onslaught

This might sound counter-intuitive, but you need to get close to August in this phase, and stop him peppering you with shots. That said, you stay too long and he’ll do an attack the forcibly pushes you away. So get in and do a combo, then dodge roll away. Give it a few seconds while keeping mid-range, then go in for another round. If you’ve any spare grenades left, you can kite him around the distance of the map and do some chip damage, but you’re going to need to get in close and attack to beat this phase of the fight.

Phase two: Mano-a-mano

In phase two August will drop his weapon and go full on Super-Saiyan rage mode. He will chase you constantly, no matter what you do. However, if you’ve followed our guide to this point you should have ammo left to spare. Sprint away from August constantly to create space, and without his weapons he can do nothing much bar chase you around.

Once you have some space between you, turn and unload in his face. Try your best to get headshots if you can, and if you have a grenade launcher left, use that on his body, but don’t waste shots on splash damage: you need to make contact with this horrible boss.

Phase two: Mano-a-mano

As soon as he gets close enough that you feel that fear of damage, dodge roll to the left or right, and sprint to the opposite end of the map. Repeat this process, and eventually he’ll go down. If you do run out of ammo, you can dodge roll around him and get single or double slash attacks in, but don’t get carried away.

You have no revive here because Doc is otherwise engaged, so you’re on your own. But if you do enough damage you’ll be able to do a special melee attack when he’s flashing. After you’ve been patient and done this, you’ll beat him and get to see yet more of the ludicrous action that’s yet to come in Wanted: Dead.

If you’re still struggling, you can see Chris White beating the boss in our video below: