Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew | How Long to Beat

by on August 17, 2023

Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew is the latest tactical adventure from Mimimi Games and you may well be wondering how long it takes to beat the game. The game is split up into missions that can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to complete, with the final mission of the game taking significantly longer.

We here at God is a Geek have completed Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew and have seen all the missions in the game. So read on to find out how long it takes to beat Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew

How many missions are there?

There are a total of 32 missions in Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew. However, you can complete the game by only finishing 25-27 of them, depending on the choices you make in the game.

As you get quite far into the game you can choose from a selection of missions each related to a certain character. You only need to complete the missions for four of your seven characters to move the story on, meaning you’ll likely have some left over.

Don’t worry though once you complete the game you can play any missions you’ve not yet completed as well as replaying old missions again at your leisure.

Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew | How long to beat

It will likely take around 30 hours to complete Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew. However, this depends on your familiarity with the genre and which of the four difficulty levels you choose to play the game on.

Harder difficulties will naturally extend your play time, as missions will take longer to complete. Once you’ve seen the credits, you also unlock the ability to replay missions from the game again, maybe with different crew members and any missions you’ve not yet finished.

One of the main reasons to replay missions is to earn badges by completing certain tasks while playing. Doing so increases the completion rate in your log book (and also eventually unlocks a secret character).

If you want help reducing the time it takes to beat Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew, you can learn all about the different crew members here. And if you want to know which crew members you should unlock first to make your life easier, we have a guide for that too.

So now you know how long it takes to beat Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew.




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