Hello Neighbor is getting a cartoon in October, first two episodes out now

by on September 22, 2023

Hello Neighbor is getting a cartoon on October 7th, though the first two have actually been released early.

Episode 1 and 2 are already available on YouTube [Episode 1 | Episode 2], and they’re suprisingly long, with each running over ten minutes in length. TinyBuild says that the six episode first series will be entirely free on YouTube, and is funded by fans who have played the games. The series is made by the creators of Ben 10, Man of Action. The rest of the eighteen unaired episodes will be premiered throughout 2023.

Check out episode one, below:


Announcing Hello Neighbor: Welcome To Raven Brooks – an 18 episode animated series that overlaps the events of the popular Hello Neighbor video games. The first episode will be premiering alongside the launch of Hello Neighbor 2 in December, and the story directly integrates into the events of the game.

Animated by Animasia who did the original “test pilot” of the series, and scored by Louis Fagenson of Cartoon Network fame, we’ve been working tirelessly to bring the world of Raven Brooks to life in animation.

This is a story of a new girl – Trinity – who moves to Raven Brooks, only to find that she’s living next to a creepy Mr. Peterson. She quickly makes friends with Nicky who is obsessed with finding out what Peterson is hiding. Happy endings are a matter of perspective.

The team explained that “4 years ago we started working on a Hello Neighbor Animated Series. 2 years ago we did a “Test Pilot” that got tens of millions of views. It gave us the courage to invest into a proper TV Series, filled with interesting characters, mysteries, and to tie it in directly into the Hello Neighbor Games”.

TinyBuild says the story “directly integrates into the events of the game”, so it’s definitely a for-the-fans thing. The team also added that “We are taking a very unconventional approach to producing and distributing an animated series about a creepy Neighbor who is apparently hiding kids in his basement. We decided to have no conventional boundaries, and it will not be rated for kids. We are working in tandem with the developers of the game on both story and visuals”.