Max Payne 3: A Look at Bullet Time

by on April 12, 2012

Max-Payne-3:-A-Look-at-Bullet-TimeRockstar continue to dish out the info on Max Payne 3. Bullet time is the center of attention in this latest video, just how has Rockstar improved Max’s signature move.

Now if there’s anything better than jumping through a window and taking out 6 guys before you hit the ground, it’s jumping through a window and taking out 6 guys before you hit the ground – in slow motion. Once a feature stunning and unique enough to sell a game on its own, Rockstar knows it’s going to need that extra something to wow gamers in 2012.

Max Payne 3 aims to add that extra something using the impressive Euphoria physics engine, which creates incredibly realistic reactions to things like well, getting shot.

Is bullet time still a compelling game mechanic for you? Check out the video below to find out even more information on just how it has evolved since the last Max Payne.

Max Payne 3 launches on May 15th/18th in the US and Europe respectively and on PC May 29th.