Nintendo Looking to Make Virtual Console Titles Playable on Wii U Game Pad

by on January 9, 2013

Nintendo Looking to Make Virtual Console Titles Playable on Wii U Game PadLooking at the libraries of “the big three”, there’s one obvious winner. There are many reasons for this, of course – time being one of them, but it can’t be disputed that Nintendo’s classics reign supreme. Virtual Console has always seemed like a missed opportunity, though. On top of Nintendo’s stellar classics, there’s a ton of other console greats on there, but the service would benefit greatly from this proposed outcome.

Currently, the only way to boot up the older titles that are available on Virtual Console via the Wii U is to transfer the files from your Wii, then sync up a Wiimote and get playing on your TV. Many Nintendo fans were hoping that they’d be able to play Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Game Pad, and it looks like that’s the end goal, on Nintendo’s part.

Speaking to Kotaku (which we saw thanks to CVG), a Nintendo rep said that, “We are moving ahead with development of Virtual Console for Wii U, and we plan to make it so you can play it on the Wii U GamePad alone.”

There’s no confirmation on specific platforms that the Wii U Virtual Console would support, yet, however this is still terrific news. Just think about it – you can play A Link To The Past on your Game Pad whilst Alfie Moon decks Derek Branning in the face, on the telly…the possibilities are endless.