Video: PES 2015 – MyClub Explained

by on October 28, 2014

If you hadn’t noticed, we’ve been playing a hell of a lot of PES 2015 recently, mostly on PS4.

Well, we’ve been taking requests on what you lovely folk want to see, and MyClub has been something that keeps coming up. I’ve been hesitant to talk to much about it, because it’s hard to do so without describing as “Konami’s answer to FUT”. But it’s a different beast, really. Though it shares similarities, the execution feels very different.

Anyway, in the video above, you’ll hear me bumble my way through the opening tutorial section of MyClub. I skip a fair bit of text an effort to keep the video succinct, but you can (of course) pause and rewind to your heart’s content.

Don’t forget to check out the previous requests, and our full match video of Barcelona Vs. Real Madrid. And of course, Subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you never miss a video.