The Retrocast Episode Eight: Mortal Kombat II (32X)

by on March 26, 2013

This week….MOOOOORTAAAL KOOOOOMBAAAAT! *cue Utah Saints track*

The GodisaGeek RetroCast is a weekly videocast wherein Robin Parker and myself (Lee Garbutt) take a look at some classic games from the 8 and 16-bit eras.

This week, we’re getting violent again with Mortal Kombat II. The version we’re playing is the Sega Mega Drive 32X version, which is probably one of the best home versions of the game and proves that the much maligned add-on did at least have one decent game.

If you enjoy the show, please let us know by posting comments on the YouTube video, or by Following us on Twitter (@TheRetrocast) and telling us there. You can keep up with The Retrocast and view all our episodes on our YouTube channel.

The GodisaGeek Retrocast will be back with another trip to the past, next Tuesday!