Nintendo Launch Zelda Facebook Page for UK Fans

by on April 18, 2013

Nintendo-Launch-Zelda-Facebook-Page-for-UK-FansI’m guessing you’re pretty excited about the Zelda announcement from yesterday.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past originally released back in 1992 and yesterday, Nintendo revealed that a new Zelda title is coming to 3DS later this year and will be set in the same world as A Link to the Past.

Following on from this, UK based fans of Link should head on over to Facebook and “like” the official UK Facebook page for The Legend of Zelda.

With this new 3DS game, Wind Waker HD and a brand new Wii U game all coming up for the series, this Facebook page seems like a good place for fans to keep abreast of arguably Nintendo’s best loved franchise, behind the plumber.