The Deponia series of adventure games from Daedalic Entertainment have been a huge success for the genre, and for German game development in general. We at GodisaGeek are big fans of Deponia ourselves. And now, with the craziness of E3 going on, Daedalic have released the first trailer for the third and final game in the trilogy – Goodbye Deponia.
This may just be a teaser trailer, but it shows the series protagonist Rufus carrying out one of his usual madcap schemes – and inevitably injuring himself in the process. Will Rufus finally save his love Goal? Will he reach Elysium, save Deponia from destruction and live happily ever after?
Elysium and saving Deponia seem to be just within arm’s reach for Rufus and Goal. But Rufus’ innate talent for chaos and mayhem also seems to have reached a whole new level. And so, instead of his great triumph, a crippling setback awaits. For the first time, Rufus is ridden by self-doubt.
He wouldn’t be Rufus though if he’d let that get the best of him.
To tackle this new heap of problems, however, one Rufus just isn’t enough…
The game is set for an Autumn release, but with no exact date yet to be set in stone Daedalic are showing off the game at E3 in Los Angeles this week. We can’t wait to get the chance to play through the conclusive part of this epic comedy adventure. For now, watch Rufus in action in the teaser trailer below: