MotoGP 24 review

by on May 3, 2024
Release Date

May 2, 2024


It’s that time again, where we get another entry in the MotoGP series to coincide with the real-world campaign. This year, MotoGP 24 gives us the best racing the series has seen, and visuals that can’t be beaten. While a lot of it feels very similar to last year’s, there are a few tweaks such as the Riders market and penalties being dished out to AI thanks to the stewards, and having the opponent’s difficulty improve along with you means the challenge remains throughout the season.

One thing that always seems to pop up when playing Milestone games is just how ruthless the simulation aspects of its games are. There are plenty of aids to allow new players to race without slipping up simply by forcing those stabilisers on every facet of racing such as managed acceleration and turning, almost giving you the feeling as if you’re barely doing any of the work. It takes time to adjust these aids until you’re at a point where you’re comfortable, but you can’t fault the developers for offering that level of support.

If you’ve been playing the series over the last few years you’ll know how tight and responsive the controls are. MotoGP 24 is no different, and while there’s not really any stand-out changes, it feels incredible to play. Braking into corners requires the upmost precision which you’re given control of, and despite tearing around tracks at breakneck speeds, the fear subsides when you know every turn or drift across the course offers that complete control. When you’re in the corner and your knee is grazing the tarmac, you’re reminded just how good the littlest of touches on the analogue stick can make a difference.

I’ve moaned about the punishing difficulty before, and how AI racers can get away from you in a heartbeat, yet you’re the one who gets drowned in countless penalties for the smallest of errors. Thankfully, AI can get called out for reckless driving now, as I had a couple of racers picked on for clipping my bike. Races aren’t as clear cut anymore, and the drama feels heightened somewhat, meaning anything can happen throughout the season and leave an impact on the standings after you cross the finishing line. This makes the Career mode more enjoyable as you’re not frustrated by being the only one chastised for making mistakes.

Speaking of the Career mode, it feels mostly unchanged from last year. We see it all the time in sports titles where the Career remains the same, albeit with little tweaks and additions to give it a bit of a touch up. That’s not to say it isn’t exciting, especially as you’re given all the licensed tracks and racers, with all the bells and whistles of the authentic real-life season. Between races you can browse social media to see what fellow racers are saying about you and reply accordingly, helping to create rivals which lead to additional challenges throughout the season.

The Riders market feels like it has been added to keep players playing through multiple seasons, which sees players swap teams in an effort to mix things up. While it’s a neat addition, the real enjoyment of MotoGP 24 comes from how it plays, and whether you’re willing to stick with the difficulty and overcome its challenges, there’s a fantastic gameplay loop. Learning the tracks, overcoming the harsh weather conditions, and being constantly pushed as the adaptive difficulty changes the further you progress means races are always exciting.

It’s also worth mentioning just how incredible MotoGP 24 looks. The bikes are detailed, and the tracks and surrounding environments are stunning. The weather is also gorgeous, even when the grey clouds are in the sky, because they look photorealistic. Milestone has also put a lot of work into the roar of the engines and how bikes sound as they’re reaching high speeds. It’s easily the best the series has looked and sounded.

MotoGP 24 feels slightly unchanged from last year, and unless you’re a hardcore fan there’s not going to be much to temp you into playing. Still, there’s a great racing game here, with help for newcomers and a thrilling race experience for veterans. The punishment to AI feels like the biggest deal as it has always been something that’s bothered me with the series, and having the difficulty change slightly with every race gives you a constant challenge. It looks incredible and sounds just as good, making it the strongest entry in the series yet.


Looks and sounds incredible
Stewards are a fantastic addition
Controls are tight and responsive


Career feels similar to previous game
Still difficult to new players

Editor Rating
Our Score


In Short

MotoGP 24 is the strongest the series has been, with AI now being held accountable for mistakes, and other small but important additions.