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On The Brink Of Another Trailer

by on April 27, 2011

The game marketplace is chock full of shooters. Not only that, some of gaming’s behemoth brands happen to be shooters too.

In simple terms, making your shooter stand out in against the biggest and best games in one of the most crowded genres in the industry is total nightmare.

Fortunately the team behind Brink is pulling out all of the stops to make sure that their game offers something different and their latest trailer is showing another innovation; the objective wheel.

This trailer follows on from the SMART (Smooth Movement Over Random Terrain) trailer and deals with how players will interact with their objectives and their team during mission using a mechanism called the Objective Wheel.

There are a bunch of different objectives from destruction and repair to hacking, all available to different character classes and all selected using the intuitive Objective Wheel.

It appears a neat system and certainly one that should encourage team work. Good news for a game that will live and die with how well the community decide to interact with one another.