Next Borderlands 2 DLC to Add a Sixth Vault Hunter?

by on March 10, 2013

Next Borderlands 2 DLC to Add a Sixth Vault Hunter? It seems a sixth playable character could be joining the roster of Borderlands 2 alongside Axton, Salvador, Zer0, Maya and Gaige – added as part of the next substantial slice of downloadable content.

According to US gaming website, Polygon, a teaser trailer shown at SXSW Interactive (that’s the South by SouthWest festival held annually in Texas for those not keen on anagrams), a melee-focused character similar to Borderlands’ heavy-hitter Brick could be about to step out of the shadows and join the other Vault-Hunting nutters in Gearbox Software’s excellent loot-tastic shooter.

This will be the fifth offering of DLC so far, following Gaige the Mechromancer, Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty, Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage and Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, but it would appear that the extra character won’t be released as part of the Season Pass, meaning that at least one more DLC add-on is expected. There’s still no concrete word on when we can expect that confirmed level cap increase, either, meaning it could come either alongside the new pugilist, in the final slice of Season Pass DLC, or as a stand-alone patch.

We’ll bring you more information as it becomes available but, knowing how Gearbox have handled previous instalments of Borderlands 2 DLC, we’d expect more news pretty soon.

Borderlands 2 is available now on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.