Let’s Play Indie: Ether Vapor Remastered

by on March 28, 2013

Ether Vapor Remastered is fantastic.

While I would like to leave my video intro at that, marketing and SEO techniques suggest I can’t so I’ll go a step further.

Ether Vapor is a title by indie studio Edelweiss that scratches that annoying little itch that fans of shooet-em-up bullet hell style games are prone to, being that we only get about one or two quality titles a year. It’s yet another classy Japanese indie title from the folks at Rice Digital, who continue to surprise us with the quality of games.

This one is a touch of something different, and has just the right amount of frenetic craziness to keep you interested throughout.

You can buy Ether Vapor Remastered through Rice Digial for £4.99.