Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Magitek Armour Trailer Released

by on April 11, 2013

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Magitek Armour Trailer ReleasedOver on the official Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn blog, the trailer has been revealed, with some additional information.

Taken directly from the blog, here’s the information related to the video:

Supposedly, the idea for this sample video came the day before the performance. Yoshi-P, wanting something utterly epic, came to one of the event planners (we’ll call him ‘H’), and gave him a list of demands:

  • There must be three riders
  • They must be traversing a snowy mountain trail
  • The girl must look like a former imperial soldier suffering from amnesia who is being controlled by the Empire with a Slave Crown

Luckily, H was up to the challenge, and despite the lack of prep time, was able to whip up a fairly faithful recreation of a “certain” classic RPG’s opening scene. Right down to their imperial uniforms!