Nintendo Announce Time and Date for E3 Nintendo Direct

by on May 24, 2013

Breaking their tradition of announcing a Nintendo Direct a mere day ahead of the actual show the big N have revealed when they’ll be showing us some new Wii U goodness – 11 June, 3pm BST.

Their last Nintendo Direct was a bit of a housekeeping number, aside from a few quaint surprises the real reason to tune in was to see dates being pinned on anticipated titles such as The Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3.

In the aftermath of said show Nintendo confirmed that it would be talking about Mario Kart 8, a new 3D Super Mario title, and Super Smash Bros. 4 at its E3 presentation.

nintendo e3 direct reveal

So set your watches, as Nintendo will unveil those Wii U games and hopefully more – Retro’s project seems a given – at this announced Nintendo Direct.

This could be the most important Direct that Nintendo has broadcast to date. It needs to reassert the state of the lagging Wii U and in the face of the PS4 and Xbox One no less. As much as I don’t wish to quote Mr. Will he is, Nintendo need to go hard or, indeed, go home.

Or just show us more 3DS loveliness.

No! 3DS is stacked this year and I’m not even done playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Fire Emblem Awakening. Nintendo need to use this E3 to give every gamer reason to invest in Wii U, and after this week’s Xbox One reveal, which Ben summed up nicely over here, gamers are certainly in the market for a new video game console…

So. What are you hoping Nintendo announce?