Groundskeeper2 Is Now Available

by on April 9, 2014

Orangepixel’s new game: Groundskeeper2 is now available. The guys that brought you Gunslugs and Heroes of Loot have released the highly-anticipated game on PC , Mac, Mobile and Chromebook.

Sequel to Ludum dare 24-hour gamejam, more worlds, large collection of unlockable weapons, a single screen arena action packed chaotic game a bit like most Orangepixel games but different and new and fresh and just awesome… like.. over the top awesome!

The game starts with just one weapon, one world, and slowly opens up as you become a better player. Unlock new weapons, helping you to survive longer, allowing you to unlock more worlds, and getting you closer to being a true hero to the resistance against the alien robots! A large variation of enemies, small and big will try to stop you from unlocking the full game, and once you DO unlock 100% of the game, there is always the high-score to chase after.

Links to buy:

ios App store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/groundskeeper2/id848894420

Android Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.orangepixel.groundskeep2

Mac, Windows and Linux version: http://www.groundskeepergame.com/groundskeeper2/buy/

Chrome(OS) / Chromebook (Google Chrome): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/groundskeeper2/cjgnhcdceidccabbhnjlmnkdglponhlh

Check out the awesome looking trailer, below!