Bandai Namco has today revealed details of the new The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan Shared Story mode. In a brand new trailer for the game, we get a behind the scenes look at this new multiplayer mode and how it works. In Shared Story, two players will cooperatively play the game concurrently and get to see the game from different perspectives. You’ll make your own character’s decisions for but may have the option at times to influence the other player’s choices. As such the Man of Medan Shared Story mode can influence how the game’s narrative plays out for both players. And as is always the case in these games, often your character’s life also hangs in the balance.
There’s plenty more that has gone into this brand new multiplayer mode. For all the details, check out the trailer below:
In addition to the Curator’s Cut mode already revealed, this spiritual sequel to Until Dawn seems to be shaping up quite nicely. There’s not long now to wait until the game’s release later this month on August 30, 2019. For more information on the game, check out the Man of Medan official website.
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan is launching on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on August 30, 2019.