Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk Arrives on iOS & Android
Rejoice, fans of anthropomorphic protein-based produce! Your Prince has returned from a long absence, and has found a new home on the mobile platform of your choosing! Allow me to hail the second coming of a true retro hero, and without a single egg pun, I promise.
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk is a remake of the decades old microcomputer smash hit. Enjoy a lush platforming adventure, as you help the egg with boxing gloves awaken Daisy, the fair maiden of the Yolkfolk.
This remake marks the return of a long overdue absence from a legendary mascot from the British gaming scene, and with the original game’s project director, Paul Ranson, heading up development at DNA Interactive; this is sure to be a faithful recreation of the beloved original.
The game is available now, via the Apple App Store on iPad (£2.49, iPhone/iPod Touch (£1.49) or on your Android phone (£1.49). For more details, check out the game’s official website.
To celebrate this glorious day, Codemasters have rounded up creators Philip & Andrew Oliver, to chat about the little eggy fellow – Thanks to the wonders of YouTube, you can share in these wonderful memories.