UPDATE: Now Available on PS3 – Mass Effect 3 Operation Exorcist Commences this Weekend

by on April 27, 2012


UPDATE: Sony and Bioware have now confirmed the Mass Effect 3 weekend events will now be available on PlayStation 3, starting with this weekends Operation Exorcist.

Like previous weekend events Fortress and Raptor, Operation Exorcist will offer Mass Effect 3 players the chance to earn some extra bonuses while playing online.

Sadly the events are still not available on PlayStation 3, no exact reason has been given but Bioware and Sony say they are working hard to solve the issue.

The details for this weekend are as follows:

  • Allied Goal: Kill 1,000,000 Cerberus Phantoms to complete the Allied Goal, which will earn all players a Victory Pack.
  • Squad Goal: Stay alive until extraction on any map and any enemy on Gold difficulty to earn Commendation Packs to all squad mates.

Mass Effect 3 has been out for over a month now, does the multiplayer still have you hooked? Would you like to see more free content like the Resurgence Pack, what should Bioware add?

Operation Exorcist will start this Friday at 6pm PST through to 5am PST Monday on Xbox 360 and PC players.