10 New GTA V Images Means the Internet Will Blow Up

by on March 27, 2013

10-New-GTA-V-Images-Means-the-Internet-Will-Blow-UpSo, we all know that Grand Theft Auto V is right around the corner – September, in fact. And, like many other franchises out there, GTA has a rabid set of fans that lap up any bit of info they can get, prior to the game’s release.

There are some new screenshots for Rockstar’s flagship series and I have no doubt in my own head that the game will be fantastic, but I really hope that we don’t start this circus over GTA images, once again. Sure, these look cool and the scuba diving one is probably my personal favourite, but please don’t mull over these for the rest of the day. You probably have things to do, I imagine you’re a very busy person. So, have a look below, then move on.

That’s all I ask. No need to dissect these ones, my friends. There are cars and guns. It looks cool. That’s it.

[nggallery id=1405]

Grand Theft Auto will be released on September 17 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3