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Colm Plays #1: Farming-Simulator (Part One)

by on September 13, 2013

We’ve been promising you more original video content here on GodisaGeek and it is with great pleasure that I can unveil the slightly narcissistically titled: Colm Plays.

Honestly, we brainstormed for about four days on what to call this, coming up with such gems as: “FAT 32 Bottomed Girls”, “(Xbox) One Vision” and “I Want to Break F2P”. Admittedly, we did focus on Queen tracks, but couldn’t come up with anything we were happy with. So, you get my name and then the word “plays” after it.

In Colm Plays, I play a video game for a considerable amount of time, chop up the video into something easily digestible for the lovely YouTube audience and then share it with the entire world, every Friday.

Today, you get part one of the incredible Farming-Simulator. We’re not planning on bringing you two-parters that often, but we’re starting off with a bang, thanks to Giants Software’s delightful simulation title. Really…thank you. So, come back next week for more farming fun. For now, enjoy the show.