Show Me the Eridium event goes live today for Borderlands 3

by on October 15, 2019

Borderlands is currently celebrating its 10 year anniversary and to celebrate Gearbox is releasing another week of in-game bonuses for Borderlands 3. This week it is “Show Me The Eridium.”

For the duration of this week’s event, Eridium drops will be standard for all enemies. If you are playing in Mayhem mode the drops will be increased and Moxxi’s Vault Line slot machine will cost less Eridium to play.

In addition, if you visit Crazy Earl in his hideout you will find that all the cosmetic items and special Anointed weapons will be discounted. You can find Crazy Earl in the Cargo Bay of Sanctuary.

The event will run from today (15 October) until 22 October when the next week’s theme and rewards will begin. “Show Me The Eridium” event is expected to go live on or before 23:00 BST today via a micropatch. If you are playing during this time you will receive a notification that the micropatch is available to be installed.