Podcast 478: Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West

by on February 28, 2022

As if it wasn’t enough for Horizon Forbidden West to come out and blow everyone’s socks off, now Elden Ring is here and it’s a ten as well. Mick Fraser has been spending every waking moment enjoying it, and probably dreaming about it a little bit as well, while Adam has been trying to keep up with his escapades. Chris Hyde is loving Horizon Forbidden West, but why wouldn’t he?

No listener correspondence this week, as we’ve plenty to talk about with these two big games, and it’s been a crazy week at GIAG HQ, back to full strength next week, hopefully!

Download the audio MP3, here. Did you enjoy our podcast about Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring? Are you looking forward to it? Email us!

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