Version 2.5 of Genshin Impact is coming February 16th

by on February 4, 2022

The success story of miHoYo’s incredible free to play game continues, with Version 2.5 of Genshin Impact coming on February 16th. With plenty of brand new content including 5 star character Yae Miko, a new exploration event and new story content, fans of the gorgeous open world game will have plenty to sink their teeth into. Check out all the details of what’s coming and the trailer below.

Global interactive entertainment developer and publisher miHoYo today showcased Genshin Impact’s Version 2.5 Update, “When the Sakura Bloom,” coming on February 16, 2022. Darkness of unknown origins is looming in the recently opened Enkanomiya area, bringing unprecedented challenges for the Travelers. On the other side of Inazuma, the story of the Raiden Shogun continues, followed by the Story Quest of Yae Miko, accompanying her arrival as the latest five-star character. 

The new seasonal event “Three Realms Gateway Offering” will challenge explorers with an area based on Enkanomiya that is haunted by unknown darkness. Once they have set foot in this area, characters will continuously accumulate corrosive darkness. A special gadget, the Bokuso Box, will be given to help resist the corrosive darkness, gain new abilities, and take down certain monsters. Open chests, unlock Waypoints and complete exploration objectives in the event area willall level up the Bokuso Box. The event will last the entire duration of Version 2.5, providing players with an ample amount of time to fully explore every corner and claim rich rewards including Primogems and the new 4-star catalyst weapon, Oathsworn Eye.

I really enjoyed what I played of Genshin Impact at launch, but since then it’s evolved into an even better game. With plenty of content and a vast world to explore, if you want to explore beautiful landscapes and fight all manner of monsters you should probably jump into version 2.5 of Genshin Impact.